General Introduction to (Coxeter) Groups
- Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups, Anders Bjorner & Francesco Brenti (2000)
- Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups, James E. Humphreys (1990)
- Introduction to Coxeter Groups, Robert B. Howlett
Infinite Groups, Automatic Groups, Regular Languages, Automata etc.
- GROUPS , GRAPHS & TREES : An Introduction to the Geometry of Infinite Groups, John Meier (2007)
- Word Processing in Groups, David B. A. Epstein, J. W. Cannon, D. F. Holt, S. V.F Levy, M.S. Paterson, W.P. Thurston (1992)
- The Use of Knuth-Bendix methods to solve the word problem in Automatic groups, Journal of Symbolic Computation D. B. A. Epstein, D. F. Holt, S. E. Rees (1991) (available on request)
- The Warwick Automatic Groups Software , D. F. Holt (1994)
I don't know what category the rest of my sources fall in. They do however play significant roles in giving me material for the thesis.
- Regular Polytopes, H.S.M. Coxeter (1973)
- Cells in Coxeter Groups , Paul E. Gunnels
- The Cayley Graphs of Coxeter and Artin Groups , Carl Droms and Herman Servatius (1993)
- A Transducer Approach to Coxeter Groups , Fokko du Cloux (1999)
- Computation in Coxeter Groups , Bill Casselman (2001ish)
- The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter Groups , Michael Davis (2007)